Sustainability pioneers

At Expoáguilas we have been committed to fundamentally natural and sustainable measures from the very beginning. Our growers are committed to the application and implementation of cultivation techniques that are highly respectful of the environment:

  • Polinización natural

  • Controlled release of pest control aids in the seedbed

  • Commitment to biosolarisation

  • Photovoltaic panels for the cooperative's own consumption. The company currently has 96 KW of power.

Cardioprotected area

The cooperative was a pioneer in acquiring cardioprotected zone certification. It was the second company in the area to achieve this certification and annually renews its defibrillation courses. In addition, we train our staff in its use.

Commitment to the environment

We actively collaborate with associations in our environment related to the agricultural and socio-health sectors.

Cultural and sports sponsorship

We maintain a close relationship with Águilas and our immediate surroundings, participating through sporting sponsorship of various activities in the town and promoting cultural, rural and agricultural activities.

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